
roomsWhy we put this guide together

There are many ways to get information when planning a new home or other building project. You want to use local contractors and suppliers for all the advantages that matter to you. Saving money through reduced transport costs, saving time, expertise in local permitting and lay of the land, and supporting the sustainability of your new or existing community’s economy. It takes time, and sometimes just plain old good luck to find what you’re looking for. And, depending on the scale of your project, the checklist of people, materials and resources you need to track down can be quite long. That’s why we built this guide just for you – to simplify that part of your project. So you can get to the fun part faster and easier.

how to get listed in the guide

Does your company provide one or more of the services that will help people building in Kittitas County, particularly the Upper County region, get their projects done promptly, efficiently, cost effectively and to their specs? Want to get the word out about what you have to offer? Contact us to talk about marketing your products and/or services to our audience.

who we are

This guide was produced by the staff of the local newspaper for the Upper Kittitas County region – the Northern Kittitas County Tribune. Over the years, many people ask us for information about local service providers, beyond what they can find in the phone book. A number of contractors have approached us asking us to produce a resource guide. It was a natural fit for us to put our local contacts in touch with people reaching out to the paper for information.